Sunday, September 11

MoMa - Museum of Modern Art

The awkward moment when you're about to hug someone sexy as hell...........
and then you hit the mirror!! Haha

I went to MoMa yesterday. I don’t really know what I think about this place. It looks more like a party than a museum, don’t you think? A lot of young people holding a cup of beer dancing along with the music. I went inside, and I can’t say it was many interesting things either. Oh yeah, if you want to go to MoMa because of the “museum party” then you will have to wait till next summer. I think yesterday was the last day.


  1. Wow! That event look great! I haven't been this event before.

  2. ahhh looks like fun though!! xx

  3. so lucky. super glad i found your blog. i'm following. I'd love if you'd check out my celebrity fashion and style blog and see if your interested in following too. Thanks love. xoxo

  4. Haha, sounds like an experience for sure! One of my friends interned at the MoMA for a summer and she loved it :)

