Thursday, June 30

Thailand, here I come

I know I haven’t updated my blog as often I used to do, but in my defense, it is summer break and I want to make most of the time I have with friends and family. My last week has been hilarious.
Monday: Graduation day! Oh dear, I am finally done with high school.

Tuesday: 24 hours with my two new lovely friends. I guess I just can’t get enough of them.

Wednesday: Dinner (bighorn) with another friend. Weee, he paid everything. I just love being a girl sometimes.

Thursday: Sara’s birthday party.

Friday: Foo Fighters concert. I know it’s not allowed to sit on the guys’ shoulders, but c’mon. I am 157,5 cm tall.

Saturday: Drinking and gaming with my geeky boys till Sunday morning. The funny thing was that my friend’s father came by and gave us even more alcohol, just in case we ran out. His mother was even cooler when she made breakfast and took care of everything after our little hangover.

Sunday: Chris’ 2 weeks early birthday party. The party was arranged by me (shocker), without his permission (double shocker), and of course I chose his house as the location. We left his house with a big mess after using his grill and made lots of food. We also watched Startrek (why am I not surprised)

Monday: Linh’s birthday lunch at Peoples with my Asian girls (an awesome and cheap place to eat, fyi if you ever come to Oslo).  

Ok, so it wasn't hilarious..... But still, I can’t wait to do all this again after the vacation in Thailand with family. Second round? Oh yeah, and that. Thailand! I am going to Thailand this Sunday, and I haven’t packed yet (triple shocker). My mother keeps nagging about it, but seriously. How can I pack anything if I haven’t washed the clothes yet? Yes you heard me; I haven’t washed my clothes for months. Who need to do that when you are blessed with a lot of clothes anyway?

Bangkok hotel

Tuesday, June 28

Foo Fighters

T-shirt: bought at the concert
Shorts: Cubus
Shoes: bought in Berlin
Bow: H&M
Jacket: BikBok

Tuesday, June 14

Last exam

I finished my very last exam today. It feels amazing because;

1.      I got top grade on the exam
2.      I can enjoy the summer without books and boring uninteresting stuff
3.      After 13 years with school, they finally released me from the prison.

Even though I am very happy and can’t wait to celebrate this with my school mates, it is a little bit sad to say goodbye to my friends. We will all be split up to different places and universities. Where am I going? Well, if everything goes as I have planned, I will be studying fashion marketing and management in NYC.
The most awesome group in 2010-2011
(I am standing in the centre btw)

Sunday, June 5

Friday, June 3

A summer day


Top: H&M
Jeans: bought in Israel
Bag: H&M
Sunglasses: H&M
Flip flops: Carlo Pazolini

Wednesday, June 1


Jacket/Trench: Zara
Blouse: H&M
Bag: Francesco Rogani
Shoes: Christian Dior